
{December 2, 2012}   Love is…

I have drafted a few sentences in an effort to write a book book about it. I’ve thought about a Facebook page, even tried to do a song about it but it would seem that these things does not work for me. My goal would seem impossible as there was no way to do it. Love is…is a new category in my blog where you can read how I, Ladyxkerrigan, see the world in terms of Love as I question, get answers, do something about it, read it, watch about it, discover it, catch something interesting about it and continue my life living it. Do be reminded though that this is not an expert page or advise column page but if you do have questions about love, you might discover that you are not the only one who went suddenly clueless about it and perhaps we may discover the closest advise suitable to a certain problem but it still depend on your own interpretation. You are still the driver of your own lives. I am just an aspiring writer and simple adventurer. My goal was not to answer the title and the problems but to venture in the world of love and share the experience how one can discover Love through the eyes of yours truly ~ Ladyxkerrigan.

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